[S&T Biz Colloquium] Lecture from Professor Lim, Dae-Sik (Department of Biological Sciences)


2015 Spring S&T Colloquium was held at 4p.m. on April 29th in 2015, Alumni Changeop Gwan(Rm. 102).
The topic was “Introduction to Biological Sciences Area” led by the Chairman(Professor Lim, Dae-Sik) of the Department of Biological Sciences.


Participants were able to gain background knowledge of bio industry through S&T Colloquium. Professor Lim explained what bio industry is and how it has developed, and also he emphasized the importance of bio industry’s role that can help society in an enormous way. Students were able to get a lot of information about the bio industry.


They took a profound interest in the topic of lecture even though content was new to them. The lecture was a meaningful time for all students.



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