[세미나소식] Global Seminar_ Xianjun Geng (University of Texas at Dallas), Ceran Yasin (Santa Clara University)_7/22, (Fri)

오는 7월 22일 금요일, 아래와 같이 글로벌 세미나가 개최될 예정입니다.

학부 구성원들의 많은 참석을 부탁드립니다.


BTM global seminar will be held as below.

You’re cordially invited to attend the seminar on July 22.


ㅁ Date/Time : July 22th (Fri), 11:00  ~  13:00

ㅁ Venue : N22 (동문창업관) #102

ㅁ Schedule


Lecturer  Title

Session I


Xianjun Geng

(Associate Professor,

University of Texas at Dallas)

 Bloatware and Jailbreaking :

How Consumer-Intitiated Modification Interacts

with Product Pricing

Session II(12:00~13:00)  Ceran Yasin

(Assistant Professor,

Santa Clara University)

 Knowing What Your Customer Wants :

Improving Inventory Allocation Decisions in Online Movie Rental Systems

세미나 개최 안내 포스터_페이지_1 세미나 개최 안내 포스터_페이지_2

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