[세미나 안내] 4/10_Prof. Byunghoon Kang (Lancaster University Management School, UK)

오는 4월 10일(월) Byunhoon Kang 교수님을 모시고 아래와 같이 세미나가 개최될 예정입니다.

학부구성원들의 많은 참석을 부탁드립니다.

BTM global seminar will be held as below.

You’re cordially invited to attend the seminar on Apr. 10.

ㅁ Speaker : Byunghoon Kang (David)
ㅁ Topic : Model Selection and Specification Search: Recent Developments in Non-parametric and High-dimensional Econometrics
ㅁ Date&Time : April 10, 2017(Mon) 4:00-5:15 PM  
ㅁ Venue : N22, Lee Min Hwa Hall
ㅁ Abstract : This lecture is specially designed for KAIST students who are interested in empirical research in many fields of social science. In this special seminar, Prof. Kang will address an essential question which every empirical researcher encounters – how to select the best model out of infinitely many modeling/specification choices. He will also talk about the recent developments in non-parametric and high-dimensional econometrics.
[Global Lecture] Byunghoon Kang_2017.04.10
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