[News] BTM Briefing Session for Students in School of Freshman

The BTM briefing session for students in the School of Freshman was held in the #102, Creative Learning Building on November 7.

Numerous students were participated in the session for an hour and a half.

After introducing BTM professors, BTM undergraduate representatives made presentation on BTM.

The pizza time followed by Q&A.

The session would be a valuable time for freshmen attendees to get to know more about majoring in Business and Technology Management with a delicious dinner.

BTM new undergraduate students will participate in the Workshop after entering the department during the winter vacation, and share a great time with their advisors, seniors and fellows.

Also, the BTM Lounge Day held every month, undergraduate field trips, and other programs are opened to all of the BTM undergraduate students.

Those freshman students who couldn’t participate in the event can download the briefing session material by clicking on the link below.

* BTM Briefing Session Material Download

Once again, BTM welcome the freshman students and hope to meet our new freshmen next year!







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