• 「SMIT」 Lee, J., Park, M. C., Choe, Y. C., & Moon, J. (2011). “Impact of Charging Strategy on e-Loyalty: Failure Case of a Korean Portal Site”. INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 14(8), 2655-2668.

    Lab: Strategic Management of Information and Telecommunication

    Professor: Myeong-Cheol Park

    Title: Impact of Charging Strategy on e-Loyalty: Failure Case of a Korean Portal Site

    Authors: Jong-Tae Lee, Myeong-Cheol Park, Young-Chan Choe, Jung-Hoon Moon


    Publish: 2011


    ABC, a Korean Web-service provider, tried to make its users pay to use its service but gave up after one year. This study studies the effects of the strategic changes on user’s loyalty via the ABC case why the survey participants had kept using the charging service and still used the site after one year. This study proves that a user’s age and frequency of use of the site in a week should be considered as significantly important factors when the web portal sites plan the strategic changes. This study result can be an important reference to design Internet business models.


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