
  • 042-350-6301~3, 8 (office)
  • 042-350-6339
the School of Business and Technology Management 3rd floor,KAIST Alumni Changeop Gwan(N22) Gwahak-ro 335, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon-si (Guseong-dong 373-1) Postal code 34141
  • By Bus
    • from Express Bus Terminal (about 40 minutes): the bus no. 190, 103 & 107 (express city bus)

    • from Dongbu Intercity Bus Terminal (about 10 minutes): the bus no. 190

    • from Yuseong Intercity Bus Terminal (about 30 minutes): the bus no. 115, 162

    • from Kumho express bus (about 10 minutes): the bus no. 140, 715

  • By Taxi
    • from Yuseong Intercity Bus Terminal (about 10 minutes) – Get in taxi on the other side of the terminal

    • from Yuseong Intercity Bus Terminal (about 10 minutes) – Get in taxi on the other side of the terminal

    • from Dongbu Express Bus Terminal (about 20 minutes) – Get in taxi at the taxi stand next to the terminal