[Seminar] S&T Biz Colloquium Seminar (April 6th)

Professor Hong-Young Chang from the Department of Physics gave a lecture at the S&T Biz Colloquium Seminar in the BTM Department building (N22) on April 6th.

Below is a brief summary of the lecture for those who missed the event.





Title: Semiconductor Technology Ventures and the Korean Industry

Lecturer: Prof. Hong-Young Chang (Department of Physics)


Professor Chang gave a lecture about the venture environment of Korea based on his experience in founding, managing, and consulting for venture companies. Even when venture companies can develop the best product, they often cannot grow into major companies due to issues such as consumers requiring uniform parts. For consistent supply of products, a venture company must secure assets, such as people, and utilize collective intelligence. Furthermore, Korean ventures tend to be M&Ad by US and Chinese companies due to the limitations of the domestic market. Eventually, everything boils down to sheer numbers in both supply and demand. We must contemplate how Korean ventures can overcome the disadvantage of numbers in this environment.


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