Entries by 최진희

2017 BTM Undergraduate Field Trip

지난 10월 20일 2017 가을학기 기술경영학부 학사과정 현장견학이 있었습니다. 학사과정 지도교수님과 학부생들이 분당 네이버와 서울 잠실 서울스카이, 강남 인바디를 견학하며, 기업 및 지역 현장 경험을 통하여 기술경영에 대한 이해를 높일 수 있었던 유익한 시간이었습니다. 특히 인바디 차기철 대표님과의 만남은 학생들에게 잊지못할 소중한 경험이 될 것입니다.  

Joint Undergraduate Research Program in the Agriculture and Food Sectors

크기변환_농식품산업 분야 포스터_F

KAIST and the Seoul National University are recruiting undergraduate students to participate in building the future innovative ecosystem for Korea’s agriculture and food sector using various technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Undergraduate students who are progressive and are willing to participate with professors from agriculture, engineering, business and economics to study agricultural ecosystems and innovation and develop business models  for demonstrative projects are gladly invited to apply.

The program is plan to form 5~6 teams composed of 2~4 members.

■ Host: KAIST Business and Technology Management, Seoul National University College of Agriculture Sciences

■ Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture; Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

■ Participants: Undergraduate students of KAIST, undergraduate students of Seoul National University College of Agriculture Science

■ Schedule

- Register: 2017. 9. 29.(Fri.) 0:00

- Announcement of acceptance: 2017. 10. 14.(Thur.) individually notified (early acceptance possible)

- Team meeting & orientation: 2017. 10. 15.(Fri.) (Further notice of place and time)

- URP : 2017.10.15.~2017. 11.30.

- Result announcement & awards: 2017. 12.

■ Benefits for participants

- URP research funds:  3,000,000 KRW per team (research expense included)

- Competitive participation of outstanding ideas

- Joint research with both Universities

- Champion team are rewarded cash prize and director’s award from Ministry of Agriculture

■ Registration (send the following information via email. Email title must be “KAIST-SNU URP”)

- Personal information: name, gender, student number, department, contact information(cellphone number)

- Simple cover letter (5~6 lines)

- Area of interest regarding agriculture and food(3~4 lines)

- KAIST student application email address: kyleeka@kaist.ac.kr

- SNU student application email address: jhyou2399@snu.ac.kr

■ Example of research area and performance: teams will develop new business model ideas for the following agriculture and food industry

1) Agriculture and food ICT convergence & IoT

2) Agriculture and food sector robotics and artificial intelligence

4) Precision agriculture based on big data

3) Agriculture and food safety & production workforce

4) Agriculture and food business based on mobile/smart

5) Crop/livestock disease prevention

6) Substitute meat and insect food based on BT

7) Food resources and sustainable agricultural production

8) Plant factory and urban agriculture

9) Future foods

10) Rural amenities and landscape design, rural vitalization, etc


[News] 2017 BTM Undergraduate Camp

기술경영학부 학사과정 캠프가 지난 9월 1일부터 3일까지 경상남도 통영, 거제도에서 개최되었습니다. 학사과정 지도교수님들과 대학원 CA, 재학생, 2017년 진입생들이 참여하였으며, 캠프를 통해 서로 친해지고 이박 삼일간의 좋은 추억을 만들 수 있었습니다. 이번 캠프에서는 한려수도조망케이블카, 외도 보타니아, 바람의 언덕 등을 방문하였고, 기술경영학부 학생으로서 소양을 키우고 정보를 교환하는 토론 및 친목의 시간을 가졌습니다.      

[News] PCM Minor Program Briefing Session for KAIST MS Students

2017 Fall PCM Minor Program Briefing Session will be held for KAIST MS students.

Those who are interested, please refer to the information below.


○ Date : August. 31 (Thu), 5:00pm

○ Venue : #101, Creative Learning Bldg(E11)

○ Inquiry : School of Business and Technology Management (☏042-350-6302)

○ Related : https://btm.kaist.ac.kr/en/programs-admission/pcm/pcm-greeting

* Pizza and gifts will be provided.


[소식] 2018학년도 전기 기술경영학부 대전 입시설명회 개최

2018학년도 전기 입시 관련, 지난 6월 7일 기술경영학부 대전 입시설명회가 개최되었습니다.   김원준 학사주임교수님께서 설명회를 진행해주셨고, 학부장님 인사 와 기술경영학부에 대한 설명, Q&A 시간 후 맛있는 피자타임이 있었습니다.   기말고사 가 한창 진행 중인 와중에도 많은 분들이 참석해주셨습니다. 당일 뜨거웠던 열기를 사진으로나마 전해드립니다.     다음 부.복수전공 학생들 대상 설명회는 6월 15일(목) 오후 6시에 있을 예정이며, […]

BTM Lounge Day for undergraduate students



지난 5월 10일, 제1회 학사과정 BTM Lounge Day가 개최되었습니다.

기술경영학부 학사과정 전담 지도교수님들과 학사과정 학생들이 만나 BTM Lounge에서 식사를 함께하며,

편안한 분위기 속에서 자유롭게 이야기를 나누었습니다.

맛있는 피자와 함께 이야기가 꽃피는 시간, 6월에 있을 제2회 BTM Lounge Day가 기대됩니다.






[Seminar] The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum in March

Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, and School of Business and Technology Management would like to invite you to “The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum” on March 2nd.


- Date : March 2nd, 12:00~13:00

- Venue : Room 101, Creative Learning Bldg.(E11)

- Topic

: Korean Science & Technology Policy Directions and the Roles of KAIST

- Speaker

: 1) Prof. JaeYong Choung, School of Business and Technology Management

2) Prof. Chihyung Jeon, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy

3) Prof. So Young Kim, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy

Refreshments will be served.

lInquiry : Jin Hee Choi (T.6302/choijh11@kaist.ac.kr), School of Business and Technology Management

HyunJu Han (T.4841/han87555@kaist.ac.kr), Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy


첫수융합포럼 포스터_그림

[News] PCM Minor Program Briefing Session for KAIST MS Students

2017 Spring PCM Minor Program Briefing Session will be held for KAIST MS students.

Those who are interested, please refer to the information below.


○ Date : Mar. 6 (Mon), 5:00pm

○ Venue : #201, Creative Learning Bldg(E11)

○ Inquiry : School of Business and Technology Management (☏042-350-6302)

○ Related : https://btm.kaist.ac.kr/en/programs-admission/pcm/pcm-greeting

* Pizza and gifts will be provided.

게시용 포스터 그림_PCM