Brown Bag Seminar


Brown Bag Seminar was held in the last week of October when all graduate students felt easy after their midterm exam, and it drew keen attention after the success of the first seminar. Approximately 30 graduate students including Professor Young Sun Kwon and Professor Hye Jin Kim were gathered together to share Young Hyun Kwon(Academic Advisor: Prof. Han, Seung Hun) and Jae Won Jang(Academic Advisor: Prof. Kwon, Young Sun)’s researches and spent their time discussing and answering questions.


Young Hyun Kwon(PhD) and Jae Won Jang(MS) dealt respectively with people of the upper class and charges for using mobile phones that were relevant to everyday life. Therefore, students studying different subjects could understand easily and broaden their horizons. Through the Brown Bag Seminar, graduate students were able to gain knowledge in other field of studies. We expect to have more opportunities in the future!

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