Entries by 신윤철

2016 BTM’s Graduate School Fair

The spring semester is over, and the time is upon us to select new graduate students for admission. Therefore, we held 2016 BTM’s Graduate School Fair.



People of various backgrounds attended a fair, and  we could feel a determination among them as Professor Young Sun Kwon (Dean of BTM) and Professor Seunghun Han (Head Of BTM) made presentation on the department.


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Application will be accepted from July 10 to July 22.

2015 BTM Graduate Athletic Meeting

BTM held 2015 Graduate Athletic Meeting in the Sports Complex (N3) on May 7th to bring the members closer together and improve their health. The Athletic Meeting included ping pong, basketball, and badminton games with professors and graduate students. We had a great time!

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2015 BTM’s Graduate School Fair was Held in Daejeon

The Department of Business and Technology Management held 2015 Graduate School Fair in Daejeon.


Professor Young Sun Kwon (Dean of BTM) and Professor Seunghun Han (Head Of BTM) made presentation on the department. Also, Q&A time helped participants to obtain information about the department.


Good luck to you all, and we look forward to seeing you next year!

2015 Spring Semester Undergraduate Freshmen Orientation

BTM greeted new 9 undergraduate sophomore students on February 26th before the start of class.


Professor Young Sun Kwon and Professor Myeong Cheol Park delivered congratulatory message and shared information about vision and mission of the department with new students. Also, there had been a lot of talk between professors and new students during lunch break. There was a  meeting with seniors and juniors. That way, new students would be able to know atmosphere of the department.




New students! We welcome you!

2015 KAIST Commencement

2015 KAIST Commencement was held in KAIST Sports Complex on February 13, 2015. Many students including 20 BTM undergraduates, 15 BTM MD, and 13 BTM PhD graduated.
Good luck to all BTM graduates who will be doing many different jobs. Congratulations!


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[BTM People] Who is Min Jeong Kang? New Student of BTM -Second Issue of BTM People-

[BTM People] Members of the department of Business and Technology Management (BTM) have diverse range of experience and backgrounds. Thus, we come up with the special article to get to know them better.


About 10 new students entered a graduate program for every semester. Some of them already decided labs before entering the KAIST, so it is hard for them know each other. Therefore, this week, we will introduce Min Jeong Kang  for the second issue of the BTM People who has already attended Professor Won Joon Kim’s lab since last October.


Q) Please introduce yourself.


Hello! My name is Min Jeong Kang, and I was born in 1988. I majored in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and worked at Boston Massachusetts General Hospital as an intern. I lived in the United States for 8 years. Then, I returned to Korea last April.




Q) What made you choose KAIST BTM?


I planned to get a job or enter university in the field of biology or medical care. So, I worked at the hospital and biology related lab as an intern during undergraduate studies. While I was working at GSK as an intern in Korea last year, however, I learned that convergence research with field including pharmaceuticals, medicine and medical devices can be conducted. Therefore, I applied to the Department of Business and Technology Management.


Q) What do you do in the lab?



From last October, I have been steadily attending the lab. I am getting used to studying and attending the lab instead of working on particular task. I have a lot of studying to do if I try to find them. Currently, I take part in R study group and research study called “innovation shower”.


Q) What is your hobby outside of your lab schedule?


Exercise! I played basketball in high school. I enjoy jogging and working out at the gym. Also, as an undergraduate student, I ran the half marathon with friends. Ah! If I have a chance this year, I would like to join Color Me RAD.




Q) What is your charm?


Umm..it may not be fatal.. I am an easygoing and unaffected person, so I think people see me as a person who they would feel comfortable hanging around or talking with me.That’s a good thing..right?




Q) What do you want to accomplish while attending graduate school?


I want to concentrate my mind on what I am doing at a given moment instead of seeking to accomplish something big right now. As I came here to study, I want to choose a good subject and write my paper during the two year master’s degree program. In addition, I would like to meet a lot of different people. I am new in Daejeon, Korea. So, I want to have a fruitful life by finding my work and getting to know new people in a new environment.=)

[BTM People] Who is Da Woon Kim, a new student representative of BTM?

[BTM People] Members of the Department of Business and Technology Management (BTM) have diverse range of experience and backgrounds. Thus, we come up with the special article to get to know them better.


Winter vacation is a busy time for graduate students, which is not much different from the school year. They are moving ahead with researches and papers, but it is also a time to meet new people at the same time. We interview a new student representative (spring semester, 2015) Da Woon Kim, and he is the first interviewee of the first issue of BTM people





Q) Please introduce yourself.


Hello, my name is Da Woon Kim, and I am 30 years old. I majored in Electrical Engineering from the University of Seoul. I entered graduate school of BTM after working as a big data analyst at Samsung SDS. I am from Jeonju.




Q) What made you choose KAIST BTM?


I have a yearning for KAIST for a long time. I wanted to enter KAIST after taking a field trip to KAIST 13 years ago. I have been in the field of engineering for a long time, and I have a desire to create something of mine by integrating my skills and management knowledge. This would be a great opportunity to achieve my dream.


Q) We had the new student BTM orientation today. What was your impression of the BTM?


On the day of the interview and orientation day, the atmosphere was strange at first. But, I felt warm because there was a very friendly atmosphere between graduate students and professors during the orientation.


Q) You mentioned at the orientation that you have not yet decided your lab. What is your main interest?


I have not yet decided the lab, but I like creating something new. Also, I am interested in a big data analysis, statistics, and machine learning.


Q) When you introduced yourself at the orientation, you mentioned you like going to famous restaurants. What is your favorite food?


I like going to famous restaurants. I am not particularly fussy about food, dare I say it, crabs.


Q) Do you have any hobbies other than visiting famous restaurants?


I liked making something since I was young. I have a cat. I make a lot of different things for my cat and a hobby whenever I leave the house empty. For example, I designed and made a machine that water comes out when a cat jumps onto it. I am going to Guam next month, so I am planning to develop a mechanism to feed a cat.


Da Woon Kim developed  a machine that water comes out when a cat jumps onto the pad.


Q) What do you want to accomplish as a student representative?


It was not what I want to do at first. But, I want to create a friendly atmosphere among classmates apart from anything else.