[BTM People] Who is Da Woon Kim, a new student representative of BTM?

[BTM People] Members of the Department of Business and Technology Management (BTM) have diverse range of experience and backgrounds. Thus, we come up with the special article to get to know them better.


Winter vacation is a busy time for graduate students, which is not much different from the school year. They are moving ahead with researches and papers, but it is also a time to meet new people at the same time. We interview a new student representative (spring semester, 2015) Da Woon Kim, and he is the first interviewee of the first issue of BTM people





Q) Please introduce yourself.


Hello, my name is Da Woon Kim, and I am 30 years old. I majored in Electrical Engineering from the University of Seoul. I entered graduate school of BTM after working as a big data analyst at Samsung SDS. I am from Jeonju.




Q) What made you choose KAIST BTM?


I have a yearning for KAIST for a long time. I wanted to enter KAIST after taking a field trip to KAIST 13 years ago. I have been in the field of engineering for a long time, and I have a desire to create something of mine by integrating my skills and management knowledge. This would be a great opportunity to achieve my dream.


Q) We had the new student BTM orientation today. What was your impression of the BTM?


On the day of the interview and orientation day, the atmosphere was strange at first. But, I felt warm because there was a very friendly atmosphere between graduate students and professors during the orientation.


Q) You mentioned at the orientation that you have not yet decided your lab. What is your main interest?


I have not yet decided the lab, but I like creating something new. Also, I am interested in a big data analysis, statistics, and machine learning.


Q) When you introduced yourself at the orientation, you mentioned you like going to famous restaurants. What is your favorite food?


I like going to famous restaurants. I am not particularly fussy about food, dare I say it, crabs.


Q) Do you have any hobbies other than visiting famous restaurants?


I liked making something since I was young. I have a cat. I make a lot of different things for my cat and a hobby whenever I leave the house empty. For example, I designed and made a machine that water comes out when a cat jumps onto it. I am going to Guam next month, so I am planning to develop a mechanism to feed a cat.


Da Woon Kim developed  a machine that water comes out when a cat jumps onto the pad.


Q) What do you want to accomplish as a student representative?


It was not what I want to do at first. But, I want to create a friendly atmosphere among classmates apart from anything else.

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