[BTM People] BTM people Part 1 – Yekang Kim

[BTM People] Members of the department of Business and Technology Management (BTM) have diverse range of experience and backgrounds. Thus, we come up with the special article to get to know them better.



There is a person that stands out among the BTM students. Her name is Yekang Kim, who is working towards a master’s degree. She entered the BTM of KAIST last fall and started her master’s degree in Professor Sujin Lee’s Lab(Human Innovation Lab). She is a woman of exceptional beauty and has a hearty laugh. Let’s hear about her story!




Yekang Kim was reading journals at Twosome Place, but she happily accept our interview. :)



Q) Thank you very much for the taking the time to talk to us. Any impressions?

I am puzzled. I hope that my interview is helpful for many people.



Q) What made you choose KAIST BTM and Human Innovation Lab?

I wanted to learn more about organizational behavior and had a field of research that I wanted to study. Also, I know some people in the lab. Thus, I decided to choose the lab.



Q) What is your daily schedule? Any hobbies?

Becoming a morning person was my new year’s resolution, but it does not work. Usually, I wake up at 10a.m. and eat lunch. Then, I go to the lab and read journals related to the seminar and my research. After I eat dinner, I finish the rest of my work. Finally, I arrive at my home around midnight. I take a break and go to bed around 3a.m.. (Sleep very late :D)
My hobby is going to the lab. haha. I do yoga two times a week, and today is the last day.



Q) We heard that you are very confident about your “silhouette”.

That is a false rumorㅠㅠ. I am confident about my “height”.



Q) How is your lab life?

Good. I get along with lab people, and we like looking for delicious food. We are going to eat barbecue today. I have to finish reading my journals quickly.




Her smile,..she looks even better in real life that we could not capture. We feel sorry during her interview.



Q) What is your field of research?

I do research on happiness. I am looking for a way to boost happiness at work. For example, I study how people feel their happiness according to situations, environment, or individual’s characteristic when facing conflicts within the organization. I just started this topic. haha



Q) Do you come to Twosome Place often?

I come here when the lab had no ventilation and for diversion. I also like seminar rooms. Both have big windows and sceneries.



Q) Are there any tips for the graduate school life?

First, studying harder is important to bring good research performance. For doing so, I feel happy as well as everyone. Second, we need to refresh ourselves when we reach our breaking point since we are human beings. It would be better to make many friends that you can talk to. Is this too obvious? ㅠㅠ



Q) What is your future plan?

I am careful to say about my future. Things did not work out quite the way I imagined. So, I just do my best all the time and also this is our lab’s virtue. After 10 years, I would enjoy myself eating delicious food and laughing in this scenic haven.


This is her happy interview who has beatific smiles.  :D

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